Home / Commitment / Girl Gets Ring | Girl Gets Ring Review | Girl Gets Ring by T Dub (TW Jackson) and Jonathan Green You?ve probably caught the buzz about the new program Girl Gets Ring created by TW Jackson and Jonathan Green, and before you decide to buy this program you want to make sure it?s worth investing your money.
As any smart woman would, if you now are looking for reviews of this course, and luckily for you, on this page we are going to cover most commonly asked questions about Girl Gets Ring system, what you can expect from it, what you will be getting when you get this program, how fast the authors and creators anticipate results from using Girl Gets Ring system, and who this system is for. Read this entire article, which will only take a couple of minutes of your time before you make a decision on whether Girl Gets Ring system is right for you.
If you want to know whether this system is for you, and whether you should reasonably anticipate benefits from using this system, pay special attention to our recommendations as to who this system is for and who should avoid getting this program.
Girl Gets Ring Review is broken down into several sections to give you the best overview about the product, the expectations of the authors, the content of this system, and where to download this system, how it gets delivered to you, and what you will learn when you get Girl Gets Ring.
Will YOU get the ring as a results of this program? Learn more about what the authors and creators of Girl Gets Ring, TW Jackson (T Dub) and Jonathan Green say about this system and what the reviewers and readers can share about this e-course.
About the Authors TW Jackson (T Dub) and Jonathan Green
Girl Gets Ring is a product created by two men for women. The two authors of this program are ? Jonathan Green & TW ?T Dub? Jackson.
Both Jonathan Green & TW Jackson are what you call ?regular guys?. They aren?t PhD?s in psychology, rather they are two guys who teach women what a ?regular? guy thinks of marriage, commitment, and relationships.
We think it?s interesting that two of them are complete opposite in a way; TW Jackson (or T Dub as he refers to himself) is a happily married guy, who has been with the same wife for many years.
T Dub offers a unique opportunity to look into the mind of a happily married man. This can offer a wealth of information to a woman who wants to better understand men in relationships, what makes them stay in relationship and how to make your relationship last.
Jonathan Green, on the other hand, is the exact opposite; he?s dated a lot, but unlike TW Jackson he lacks experience being in long lasting, long term relationships. Jonathan Green brings to the table his vast dating experience.
Together, Jonathan Green and TW Jackson (T Dub) make an excellent team of authors for a product that is designed by men for women from all walks of life (read more on who this product is for in the following sections of this review down below on this page!)
You may have heard about TW Jackson from his first product in the relationship arena called The Magic Of Making Up. As several years passed since T Dub?s huge success with his Magic of Making Up system, TW Jackson became more involved in the area of dating and relationship advice, and as a result of T Dub?s involvement in the business of relationship advice his interest grew, and he came up with his new brainchild Girl Gets Ring in partnership with Jonathan Green.
Jonathan Green, on the other hand is nearly not as well known as TW Jackson. However, Girl Gets Ring is not the first informational product Jonathan has created. Jonathan?s first product Girlfriend in a Week was created for men, unlike Girl Gets Ring. By partnering with TW Jackson, Jonathan Green offers a valuable addition to the team of creators of the system that is designed to teach women how to obtain a lasting commitment from a man.
What?s Included In The Girl Gets Ring Course
Now, we want to cover the basics ? which is what is included in the Girl Gets Ring system.
When you get Girl Gets Ring course online, you will be receiving digitally downloadable products ? no physical products will be shipped to you. This means that you can download this program as soon as you pay for this course.
You will need a computer or any Internet device which allows you to download digital files online. You will need Adobe Reader software which is installed on practically all computers and many mobile devices.
You will need this program in order to access the main product ? the e-book Girl Gets Ring itself.
Girl Gets Ring E-Book
This ebook is over a hundred pages in length. It is broken down into six sections:
- Singledom
- Looking for Love
- Making First Contact
- Dating and Creating a Strong Bond
- Becoming a Girlfriend
- From Girlfriend to Fianc?
This section of the book Girl Gets Ring covers the things you want to do before you enter into a relationship, before you start dating and even before you start looking for a guy. It explains in simple terms why it is critical that you decide what kind of a woman you are before you start your search for your perfect Mr. Right
Looking for Love
This section of the course covers dating as the name says.
Making First Contact
This section is about coming into contact with a guy. How do you begin your journey together which will hopefully lead to a lasting commitment? Read this section if you want to hear recommendations of TW Jackson and Jonathan Green. They offer you eye-opening information that may shatter your old or existing perception about men and dating.
Dating and Creating a Strong Bond
Steps to get and keep a guy?s interest in the beginning of dating or a new relationship.
I have to note that TW Jackson, who is an excellent and sometimes long-winded conversationalist is good at giving examples from his own dating days. One example that T Dub gives is about a woman he met back in the days who could not stop talking about the ?marriage? topics. T Dub talks about that date extensively in Girl Gets RIng referring to the date as horrible. He says that his date could not stop discussing the topics that made it clear to him that she was out shopping for a husband. T Dub suggests that no man wants to date a woman who is looking at him as a marriage material because she wants to be married rather than because she thinks he is amazing.
He also says that there is nothing wrong with women wanting to be married; it?s just that men don?t want to be married to women who think of them as someone to fill the spot of a husband; rather they want to be married to women who simply admire them for who they are.
Becoming a Girlfriend
How to become a girlfriend ? in other words how to go from casual dating to a relationship.
T Dub and Jonathan Green suggest that guys have inherent fear of a relationship. We don?t necessarily agree with such a statement. In fact, several of our reviewers raised their eyebrows when they heard this statement. However, both T Dub and Jonathan Green seem to agree with this statement they make when describing the contents of their course.
From Girlfriend to Fianc?
As the name suggests, this is the long-awaited part. We would have liked it to be more extensive, with many more pages dedicated to this specific subject on how to actually go from that Girlfriend status to an official status of a fianc?.
Our reviewers feel that Girl Gets Ring would be a much more comprehensive product on the subject of how to actually become a fianc? and in fact marry the guy of your dreams.
That?s the purpose of any program such as Girl Gets Ring which is dedicated to teaching women how to make a man commit in our opinion and we would like the authors to add more information to this part of the e-book. Perhaps later versions of Girl Gets Ring will expand more on the topic of how to get from girlfriend to wife, rather than focusing so much attention on the topics that teach women how to date men.
In our opinion (and our reviewers are women), women don?t need to know as much about the actual dating part, and this is the downside of Girl Gets Ring is that both creators, TW Jackson and Jonathan Green are men, and being men, in our opinion, they don?t necessarily know that women do not want tips on how to get a date with a guy, or how to date a guy. The cornerstone problem that we, women, have is getting from dating to commitment, but we?d rather skip those parts of Girl Gets Guy that teach us all the preceding moves, pick up tips and dating tips.
On the positive side, if you are just getting out of a long term relationship and marriage, you can benefit from learning from a guy?s perspective how men view the dating and mating game.
Our overall opinion of the book Girl Gets Ring ? it?s an interesting and entertaining read. You can pick up some interesting tips, and if you are willing to invest money in learning how to get a guy, this is a good place to start.
When you buy Girl Gets Ring course, you will also receive several free bonuses.
7 Biggest Mistakes Women Make with Online Dating
The first bonus you will get as a part of this package is an ebook 7 Biggest Mistakes Women Make with Online Dating.
This is a free bonus, which is also delivered as a PDF file. You can also download it on your computer from a secret page you will find after paying for this course.
In this course you will find the most common online dating profile mistakes. If you are new to online dating, or if you have tried online dating before with less than desirable results, you may be making at least some of these mistakes. We think that most quality women who don?t get desired results from online dating are guilty of making some or all of these mistakes.
The Clean Slate Method
The next free bonus you will get with your purchase of Girl Gets Ring is another PDF ebook The Clean Slate Method. This e-book teaches you how to handle conflicts which arise in a relationship, and how to apologize for the wrongs you have done in your relationship.
We think that it?s interesting that The Clean Slate Method comes as a bonus with Girl Gets Ring, because it was created by the creator of the Magic of Making Up. As you may or may not know, the Magic of Making Up is a book that teaches folks how to get their ex?s back, and a big part of getting back the lost love has to do with apologies, as we like to call them ?making amends?.
Those who have read the Magic of Making Up might be interested in learning more about what TW Jackson (T Dub) has to say about asking for forgiveness from the man you love and want to be in a committed relationship with.
4 Masculine Hero Avatar Principles
The next free bonus you will get as a part of the package Girl Gets Ring is an MP3 recording 4 Masculine Hero Avatar Principles. This is not an ebook, but an MP3, so you will need an MP3 compatible software and speakers in order to access this recording.
In this bonus TW Jackson and Jonathan Green draw the curtains to expose the truth about what men want, and how to use this knowledge to bring your man closer to you.
The 4 Masculine Hero Avatar Principles theory is graphically displayed as three lights ? green, yellow and red. This is an interesting concept and an interesting graphic explanation of this theory in our opinion.
We?ve known about how men form their opinions about women?s relationship potential, but no one until now has ever shown these theories and principles in a graphic format such as this. We think that because of that, 4 Masculine Hero Avatar Principles is a unique and one-of-a-kind graphic model explaining how and why men put breaks on relationships and on their progress toward commitment.
To further describe the 4 Masculine Hero Avatar Principles model which T Dub and Jonathan Green developed, we want you to think of relationships in terms of green, yellow and red. The authors of Girl Gets Ring suggest that Green means a man is ready for a relationship, in other words, there is a moving force that prompts a man to want a commitment with a specific woman; Yellow means a man is stopping to see how it develops; Red means he is not interested in a commitment with a woman.
Further, TW Jackson (T Dub) suggests that Yellow is that ?breaking point? at which a man can feel in love with a woman and yet not be ready for commitment. To elaborate, TW Jackson goes on to say that if you?ve ever heard a man say to you that he is not ready, this means he is at that critical Yellow.
What to do?
TW Jackson says that in order to move your relationship forward, you should do what he and Jonathan Green suggest and recommend in Girl Gets Ring to move your relationship from stagnant Yellow to the promising Green.
Long Distance Relationship Secrets
The next bonus that comes with Girl Gets Guy is the Long Distance Relationship Secrets. This bonus is also delivered to you in a form of an MP3 file. You will learn how to maintain and make your long distance relationship work when you listen to this recording.
From Conflict to Compassionate Communication
Finally, the last bonus you will get as a part of Girl Gets Ring package is another MP3 download ?From Conflict to Compassionate Communication?.
In the next section we will try to answer the most common questions about Girl Gets Ring System:
Who Girl Gets Ring Is For and Is It Right For You?
TW Jackson and Jonathan Green are convinced that Girl Gets Ring is for women who are already in relationships as well as those who are looking for their Mr. Right.
However, our opinion is that the content of Girl Gets Ring is a bit thin for women who are already in relationships. The material is great, however, its focus is mainly on self-improvement, meeting men and dating men.
We don?t dispute the importance of self-improvement and working on oneself, however, this type of advice would mainly benefit women who are either single and looking for a relationship, or are those who are in a booty-call type of a relationship. In our opinion, a woman who is already in a good relationship but isn?t married yet (but whose boyfriend is committed and is totally in love with her) will not benefit from this advice. oh, wait, isn?t it what T Dub says in his video presentation? Yep, that exactly what he says ? this advice is for a woman who isn?t already married or engaged. So, if you are in a relationship that causes you anxiety and fear, you qualify as a good prospect for this e-course containing the e-book and the extra bonuses.
Next frequently asked question about Girl Gets Ring is whether this e-book will help you get commitment even after you have been with a man for years who has not made any plans to marry you.
Jonathan Green and TW Jackson suggest that according to their three-light model, this man has gone permanently Red and in order to get him back to Green all you have to do is to follow the script outlined to you in the Girl Gets Ring system to bring him to commitment all on his own.
The question here is whether your man has ever in the course of your relationship been Green.
Since the language of the video presentations JW Jackson is generously providing on his website suggests that you need to bring your man BACK to Green, it is up to you to decide whether your man has been in the Green zone in the past. If he hasn?t, then perhaps Girl Gets Ring system is not for you, or at least is not for your relationship with this man, and this is where the beginning chapters of the book will be helpful in finding a guy who will commit to you!
Finally, women ask, how is Girl Gets Ring different from everything else that?s out there?
TW Jackson and Jonathan Green say that their system is different from ?play hard to get? and ?the rules? type of advice. Their system, unlike the above mentioned advice doesn?t teach you how to manipulate men, how to play hard to get and how to trick men into doing what you want them to do.
TW Jackson and Jonathan Green are men, which means they care about men?s feelings and don?t want their system to be used to trick other men into the trap of a relationship based on manipulation and deceit.
T Dub and Jonathan Green claim that this is the first and only system that teaches you the truth about men, dispels the myth that men are commitment phobics, that men don?t desire a close, committed relationship, and the 4 pillars of a committed relationship that the authors of Girl Gets Ring call the 4 Masculine Hero Avatar Principles. Both authors are convinced that once you establish all of the 4 components ? the recording 4 Masculine Hero Avatar Principles in your relationship, your man will willingly commit to you all on his own!
Furthermore, the authors warn you about the dangers of playing hard to get, and how playing mind games and hard to get backfire.
We tend to strongly agree that playing hard to get is a sure-fire way to get rid of a good promising relationship with the man of your dreams. To learn more about the dangers of playing hard to get as well as other great relationship topics, sign up to receive our free dating and relationship advice newsletters and get our free book 10 Ways To Make a Man Fall In Love on This Page!
Lastly, women ask us, what if I buy Girl Gets Ring system, read it, learn from it, implement it in my life and relationships, and he still doesn?t propose?
TW Jackson and his counterpart Jonathan Green are so confident that you will pick up at least a few useful tips that you can utilize successfully in your dating life and in your relationship with the man of your dreams that they offer you a money back guarantee on their program.
You can learn more about the guarantee on their page here>>>
Last but not least, if you have decided to buy Girl Gets Ring and give it a try (remember, it?s a risk-free deal!), and if you decide to purchase this program through THIS LINK, you can get an extra bonus not available anywhere else! Read On to find out how you can get an extra free bonus!
When you purchase Girl Gets Guy directly through This Link, we will earn a referral commission. As a thank you for using our referral link we would like to offer you a one-of-a-kind SPECIAL BONUS from us ? an ebook ?The Formula For Finding Your Mr. Right? ? A Unique Step-By-Step Formula for Finding and Attracting The Man Of Your Dreams (Here is Your Chance To Find and Attract The Man Of Your Dreams and Finally Achieve a Blissful Relationship That You?ve Always Dreamed About).
The Formula For Finding Your Mr. Right is published by us and is not available anywhere else as a free bonus. The Formula For Finding Your Mr. Right is sold excusively at our website at OUR SITE for $79.95 but for a short period of time we are offering this e-book as a free bonus when you purchase Girl Gets Ring course through our referral link.
Here is how to get this bonus: Buy Girl Gets Ring by clicking on our referral link HERE! The link to purchase Girl Gets Ring will open up in a separate window. Keep this page open while you buy Girl Gets Ring course and write down your purchase receipt number. Next, send us your receipt number by replying an automated email from us you will receive when you sign up for our free dating advice newsletters here>>> Click Here to Sign Up! We?ll verify that you have purchased Girl Gets Ring through our referral link and e-mail you our special bonus! Voila!
P.S. We wanted to include client testimonials from women who have purchased Girl Gets Ring e-book but since this is a brand new product we have not found current subscribers who have bought and used this system.
If you have bought Girl Gets Ring and would like to leave a testimonial, please leave your honest customer review by leaving a comment in the comment section down below! We?d love to hear from you!
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