Happy New Year!
We hope you all had a great break!? Now that you have rested and recuperated, why not take some time to enter a writing competition?? Below is a list of upcoming competitions, most of which offer cash prizes.? Feel free to visit our office to discuss any documents you write.? (For additional information, please follow the links below the titles.)
Good luck!
Citizen Amicus Project
Web Site ?
More Information (PDF) ?
Topic: Papers should be 500-1000 word opinions about the following constitutional question, before the Supreme Court this term in Florida v. Jardines: whether law enforcement?s use of narcotic detection dogs in front of a home, without a warrant, violates the homeowner?s Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches.
First Prize: $500
Award: The winning author will ?receive . . . consideration of having his/her submission included in the [American Bar Association?s] Criminal Justice Section newsletter.? The second and third place winners will receive a recognition plaque. NOTE: The deadline for submitting opinions is ?before the Supreme Court issues its decision in the case.? Oral argument will occur on October 31, 2012, so the Court will issue its decision sometime after that date.
Deadline: 01/11/2013
Contact Information:
Steven R. Morrison
Assistant Professor
Co-chair of the ABA Criminal Justice Section?s Student Activities Committee
University of North Dakota School of Law
215 Centennial Drive Stop 9003
Grand Forks, ND 58202
American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy, and Resources Student Writing Competition
Web Site ?
More Information (PDF) ?
Topic: Papers should address ?a question of legal and/or policy significance relating to the . . . role of public lands and oceans in America?s energy future. The topic is not confined to any particular type of public land or issue in energy or environmental law or policy.?
First Prize: $1000
Second Prize: $500
Third Prize: $250
Award: The first place entry will be published in the symposium edition of the Public Land & Resources Law Review. Students submitting the first, second and third place entries will be invited to attend the Public Land Law Symposium, where their selection as winning entries will be announced. Their travel and hotel costs will be covered.
Deadline: 01/14/2013
Contact Information:
Bradley Jones
The IEL Hartrick Scholar Writing Competition
Web Site ?
Topic: Papers should address ?any topic related to energy development . . . includ[ing], for example, topics concerning oil and gas law, alternative energy resources, energy regulation, and environmental regulation of the energy industries.?
Award: The person(s) selected as the winner(s) will not only receive the cash award described above, but will also receive travel expenses to attend the IEL?s Oil & Gas Law Conference and the Career Paths for Young Attorneys in the Energy Sector Symposium, and recognition at both the Conference and the Symposium.
Deadline: 01/1/2013
Contact Information:
Lilly Hogarth
Project Manager
Institute for Energy Law
5201 Democracy Drive
Plano, TX
Ladas Memorial Award competition
Web Site ?
Requirements: Subject of the paper must be trademark law or a matter that directly relates to or affects trademarks.? Eligible papers may include both original unpublished manuscripts and published articles that are submitted to INTA by the submission deadline.? Published articles must have been first published no longer than one year prior to the deadline.? Paper must be a product of the author?s original thought and scholarship.? Paper may be co-authored.? More than one paper may be submitted for consideration.
Award: A US $2,000 cash award, a set of Stephen P. Ladas?s three-volume treatise, Patents, Trademarks, and Related Rights, an invitation to the INTA Gala, where Association leaders and volunteers recognize award winners, and reimbursement up to US $1,000 for travel to the Gala. ?Winning papers are published in The Trademark Reporter, INTA?s legal journal.
Deadline: 01/18/2013
Contact Information:
Scribes Law-Review Award Competition
Web Site ?
More Information (PDF) ?
Topic: Each year, Scribes ? The American Society of Legal Writers ? sponsors a competition to recognize an outstanding note or comment written by a law student who is associated with a student-edited law review or journal. This award has the dual distinction of being the only award presented at the National Conference of Law Reviews and the only national award for student authors that places no limitation on subject matter.
Award: The winning journal and the author of the winning note or comment will receive a plaque.
Deadline: 01/18/2013
Contact Information:
Norman E. Plate
Executive Director
Scribes ? The American Society of Legal Writers
Thomas Cooley Law School
P.O. Box 13038
Lansing, MI 48901
Louis Jackson National Student Writing Competition in Employment and Labor Law
Web Site ?
More Information (PDF) ?
Topic: Papers should address a topic that relates to the law governing the workplace, e.g., employment law, labor law, employee benefits, or employment discrimination. STUDENTS MUST CONTACT PROFESSOR ROBERTO CORRADA BEFORE SUBMITTING ENTRIES TO THIS COMPETITION. DO NOT SUBMIT ENTRIES DIRECTLY; THEY MUST BE APPROVED BY A SCOL FACULTY MEMBER OR COMMITTEE.
First Prize: $3000
Second Prize: $1000
Third Prize: $1000
Award: The authors of the top three papers will, in addition to receiving cash awards, have their entries published.
Deadline: 01/22/2013
Contact Information:
Professor Martin H. Malin
Louis Jackson Writing Competition
c/o Institute for Law and the Workplace
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Illinois Institute of Technology
565 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL ? 60661
American Indian Law Review Writing Competition
Web Site ?
More Information (PDF) ?
Topic: Papers should address ?any issue concerning American Indian Law or indigenous peoples.?
First Prize: $1000
Second Prize: $500
Third Prize: $250
Award: The American Indian Law Review will publish the first-place paper. It will recognize all three winners on the Review?s masthead and give each winner a copy of Felix S. Cohen?s Handbook of Federal Indian Law.
Deadline: 01/31/2013
Contact Information:
David E. Bruger
Writing Competition Editor
American Indian Law Writing Competition
American Indian Law Review
300 Timberdell Road
Norman, OK 73019
International Humanitarian Law Student Writing Competition
Web Site ?
More Information (PDF) ?
Topic: Papers should address international humanitarian law.
Award: Two winning authors will present their papers at an expert conference at American University with travel and accommodation expenses covered. These winners will also receive a complimentary registration at the American Society of International Law?s annual meeting, and a one-year membership with that organization.
Deadline: 01/31/2013
Contact Information:
Dean Claudio Grossman
American University Washington College of Law
Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian law
4801 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016
The Richard D. Cudahy Writing Competition on Regulatory and Administrative Law
Web Site ?
More Information (PDF) ?
Topic: Papers should discuss regulatory or administrative law, broadly construed. Appropriate subjects include empirical or comparative analyses of the effectiveness of specific regulatory regimes or of deregulation, doctrinal investigations of the development of administrative law rules or principles by courts and administrative agencies and the effects of that development, and normative analyses of how particular regulatory or administrative regimes or deregulation advance or fail to advance values of fairness, participation, and transparency.
First Prize: $1500
Award: The winning papers will receive special recognition at the ACS National Convention, on the ACS website, and potentially through other means agreed upon by the authors and ACS. For example, in the past, ACS?s two journals, the Harvard Law and Policy Review (HLPR) and Advance, considered publication of winning pieces that met their word-limit requirements.
Deadline: 02/11/2013
Contact Information:
American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
Attn: Cudahy Writing Competition
1333 H St. NW, 11th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Constance Baker Motley National Student Writing Competition
Web Site ?
Topic: Papers should ?further[] and promot[e] a progressive vision of the Constitution, law, and public policy.? Possible topics include, but are not limited to, civil liberties, consumer rights, criminal justice, free speech, immigration, privacy, racial equality, reproductive rights, LGBT rights, human rights, and labor law.
First Prize: $3000
Award: The winning paper will appear in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law. There will also be two runners up who will receive $1000 each.
Deadline: 02/22/2013
Contact Information:
The American Constitution Society
1333 H St, NW, 11th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Bert W. Levit Essay Contest
Web Site ?
Topic: The 2013 Contest Essay Hypothetical involves questions about a law firm?s potential malpractice exposure when it relied upon a third-party vendor to provide document review services for a client, which ultimately resulted in the release of privileged documents.
Award: Cash award of $5,000.? All-expense paid trip to the Spring 2013 National Legal Malpractice Conference in New Orleans, LA, on April 24?26, 2013.
Deadline: 02/22/2013
Contact Information:
Trandafir International Business Writing Competition
Web Site ?
More Information (PDF) ?
Topic: Papers should address ?[a]ny topic of contemporary international business or economic concern with a legal nexus.?
First Prize: $2000
Award: The winning essay will also be published in ?Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems,? a journal of the University of Iowa College of Law.
Deadline: 03/01/2013
Contact Information:
Samuel Griffin
Trandafir International Business Writing Competition
University of Iowa College of Law
Boyd Law Building, Room 185
Iowa City, IA ? 52242
Hogan/Smoger Access to Justice Essay Contest
Web Site ?
More Information (PDF) ?
Topic: Papers should address the following topic: ?Is Democracy for Sale? Have Citizens United?s holdings run amok? Legal challenges left to Super Pacs? Can funding disclosure be required?? NOTE: YOU MUST SUBMIT AN INTENT TO ENTER FORM BY 1/31/2013.
First Prize: $5000
Award: The author of the winning essay will receive, in addition to the cash prize above, recognition in the Public Justice newsletter and on the website, and a free Public Justice Foundation membership for the contest year.
Deadline: 03/31/2013
Contact Information:
Erica Robertson
Outreach Coordinator
Public Justice Foundation
1825 K Street NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC ? 20006
Source: http://fcsl.edu/blogs/academicsuccess/2013/01/07/writing-competitions-3/
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