Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Importing Excel to SharePoint list ? Business Management Daily ...

Q. In SharePoint, I keep getting an error when I import Excel workbooks. Why does it say it?s not a valid Excel File?

A. It?s frustrating to get an error message that doesn?t help you solve the problem. Sometimes when you import an Excel worksheet as a list in SharePoint you get this message: ?The specified file is not a valid spreadsheet or contains no data to import.?

The actual problem at hand is that your SharePoint site is not among your Trusted Sites in Internet Explorer. To fix this, navigate to your SharePoint site. Click on the Options icon (gear) or click on Tools. In either case, choose Internet Options, then the Security tab. Then choose Trusted Sites and the Add button. Your SharePoint URL should be showing in the Add this website ? field.

Make your site a trusted one

Try your import again. It should work. Occasionally, the problem continues because some columns in your work sheet contain rich content, which may not translate well to SharePoint.

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Source: http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com/31744/importing-excel-to-sharepoint-list

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Repost: Helpful Hints to Assure a Meaningful and Memorable Visit ...

By Patricia M Brown

1. First and foremost, be sure to follow American?s with Disabilities Act 1990/ADA (amended) accommodation recommendations. These recommendations are important to the safety and accessibility of your Blind and Visually Impaired individual. Be familiar with amended or updated ADA regulations.

2. Follow American?s with Disabilities Act 1990/ADA guidelines for Braille signage.

3. Consider a large print bound copy of your museum guide, pamphlets, handouts or educational materials. Large print materials may be offered as a print bound copy that is re-usable or as a ?Take Away? item that can be taken as a resource or reference item. Large print is usually considered 14-16 point print or larger (16 or 18 point print would be sufficient to assist many visually impaired individuals.) Materials should be presented in a high contrast and bold simple font on plain white background. Large print materials will assist many of your visually impaired visitors.

4. Be sure to offer good lighting on all print materials throughout your museum.

5. Consider offering museum guides, pamphlets, handouts or educational materials in Braille format. They may also be offered as re-usable bound Braille materials or as a ?Take Away? item that can be taken as a resource or reference item. Take-Away Braille educational materials are a particularly helpful reference/ resource for the student visitor. Braille materials would need pre-preparation by a Braille transcriber.

6. Be sure to greet your blind and visually impaired guest and offer specific information about the layout of your museum, specific exhibits and specialized accommodations available to them.

7. Directly address your blind guest instead of speaking ?through? their companions. Your blind & visually impaired guest will appreciate the consideration you have made to address their specific questions, familiarize them with your museum and help them to maximize their overall experience.

8. Museums offering school field trips/educational events for children benefit from prior notification of any Braille or large print accessibility requirements. Prior notification will allow ample time for preparation of materials. Full participation is the goal for the visually impaired/blind student. Educational materials/handouts require pre-preparation (by a Braille transcriber) in order to have materials transcribed/embossed into Braille.

9. Children sections should have at least one set of crayons labeled with Braille for easy identification. Even children that slowly lose their vision or become blind early in life enjoy arts & crafts. It is important to recognize that whatever the case, blind & visually impaired children also enjoy individualized creativity and the ability to choose their own colors. Having a set of Braille labeled crayons on hand will certainly say everything about your readiness to address blindness accommodations.

10. Children?s activities such as picture and coloring activities can be adapted to incorporate tactile-kinesthetic components using a tracing wheel (available in most sewing departments) or using tactual markings such as ?Wikki Stix? or dried glue to outline pictures. Ex: Using a tracing wheel to trace an insect or dinosaur picture (upside down) will result in a raised tactual outline for a blind student to actually follow. Use bold markers to outline pictures & coloring activities (for easier viewing) for the visually impaired child. Play Dough, clay and paper crimpers also add nice tactual components to art projects.

11. Encourage your blind & visually impaired visitors to actually explore exhibits and encourage your visually impaired visitor to view exhibits up close.

12. Be aware that your blind visitor may be using a guide dog. These dogs are specially trained dogs to do a specific job and are considered ?working dogs?. Staff should inquire with the blind individual on appropriate interaction with the dog.

13. Invest the time to inform your blind visitors about the various accommodations you have put in place for the blind population such as: Braille museum guide books, Braille pamphlets, Braille handouts and Braille ?take away items?, Braille menus, or specific machines marked or embossed in Braille such as: vending machines, soda machines or ATM?s?.

14. Consider offering Braille format for some of your museums most important historical sayings, quotes, or historical documents for your blind guest to refer to when navigating through your museum.

15. Braille and large print atlas & maps are available from specialized catalogues for blind & visually impaired individuals. If your exhibit includes maps be sure to remember that Braille maps may contribute nicely for the blind visitor.

16. Many Braille storybooks are already commercially available. So remember, if you have an exhibit of a famous American, inventor or famous woman in America such as Helen Keller or Amelia Earhart, it may already be available for purchase in Braille. A Braille transcriber/embosser can also Braille up Museum short stories or specific written materials used by your Museum.

17. Consider offering audio description of exhibits that are fragile, or visual in nature.

18. Tactual markers such as ?Maxi Marks?, ?Bump Dots?, ?Spot ?N Line? and ?Hi Marks? are tactual marking tools. They can be used to identify specific items or to mark specific interactive push button displays. They are available in different sizes, shapes and textures and are commercially available at product suppliers for the visually impaired and blind. Tactual markers should be used on a limited basis for specific identification purposes. Be sure to inform you blind & visually impaired visitor should you incorporate any of these specific tactual marker accommodations into your exhibits.

19. Remember that your blind visitor will spread the word should they experience a meaningful, informative and enjoyable visit to your museum.

20. Be sure to advertise your specialized accommodations whether large print or Braille on your website. Screen readers provide blind & visually impaired the ability to access website material and review accommodations available.

Patricia Brown, M.Ed., as the owner of http://www.braillethis.com, has worked over 30 years in the field of special education, learning disabilities and blind & partially sighted. Visit her website for more information on braille transcription of Literary and Nemeth materials, transcription of manuals, pamphlets, menus, educational handouts, Braille adaptations of toddler books, binding and Braille interlining services.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patricia_M_Brown

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Source: http://museumforallblog.wordpress.com/2012/07/31/repost-helpful-hints-to-assure-a-meaningful-and-memorable-visit-for-blind-and-visually-impaired/

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Three Surprising, Researched Stats on Online Games | Gravitas ...

It seems like ever since Zynga started what some described as a ?world domination plan,? by going head to head with social platform giant Facebook, the focus of entrepreneurs and gamers the world over has returned to online gaming. Sure, online game portals have been around for at least a decade, but it is only now that people, whether involved in the industry or mere partakers, are becoming aware of the tremendous potential of online games. In case you don?t really know where things stand, with respect to facts and figures on the online gaming world, read on below, and put yourself up to speed. Within a few years? time, experts predict, we will all be battling for a slice of the digital pie of fun that is online gaming.

  1. A Whopping Percentile

In the digital age, when everyone and their grandmother has access to some form of an Internet connection, those who claim that games are a children?s pastime would be best advised to check their data?and even give gaming a chance. According to a 2011 poll conducted by research company Ipsos, a whopping 40% of adults have played an online game at least once in their life.

  1. Duration?

If you?ve ever had to share office space with someone who?s a huge social game fanatic (to use a milder term than the perhaps more appropriate ?addict?), you already know that they?re able to spend huge amounts of time playing? and playing, and then playing some more. However, they are actually less addicted, say researchers, than those who play Massive Multiplayer Online games, or MMO players. MMO-ers spend 22 hours a week playing, while players on social networks only play for 16 hours a week. Then again, if you get your gaming kicks off www.myga.com/, you fall into neither one of those categories?you?re what is popularly referred to as a casual gamer. The same poll reveals that casual gamers only play for an averaged 16 hours a week.

  1. ? versus Frequency

Yet it?s not all about how long you play for, but also how often you need your game fix. That?s the area where social gamers take the cake, with no competition. While only an estimated 40% of MMO gamers tend to play on a daily basis, the very nature and gameplay mechanics of social gaming has got 56% of their fans going online to play every day. Statistics also show that, while U.S. tractor producer John Deere only sells 1,000 units per year, there are 500,000 such items traded on Farmville? on a daily basis! Casual gamers, as their name suggests, manage to keep the habit at its most casual of the three categories, since only 34% play each day.

Source: http://gravitasgaming.net/three-surprising-researched-stats-on-online-games/

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Monday, July 30, 2012

The story of the world's first free-range computer virus

19 hrs.

How two Pakistani brothers and one piece of runaway code created the anti-virus industry.

It was early 1987, and security expert Roger Thompson had just seen his first computer virus, in a programming class at a technical college in Brisbane, Australia. "Back in those days, there really weren't any programs you could use to look for these things," recalls Thompson, who now works for anti-virus company AVG. "Somebody just handed me a disk." On the boot sector of the disk, there was a program called Brain.

"I took a look at the computer to see where it had written itself, and it wasn't anywhere on the hard drive. I thought, 'Oh, it's not a virus at all.' So I just moved on and put another disk in. Suddenly the virus was on the second disk. It was seeding every floppy I put in."

Prank programs had been around as long as there were computers to run them on, but truly self-replicating code hadn't been seen outside of university computer labs. The code was hovering in working memory, copying itself onto the boot sector of every disk that entered the machine. The program was non-destructive, but virulent ? and because those 5 1/4-inch disks were the only way to move data onto or off of a computer, Brain was able to span half the globe by the time it arrived in Brisbane.

Once Thompson isolated the code, he found an even bigger surprise. The creators' names were written into every copy: Basit & Amjad Alvi of Brain Computer Services, Lahore, Pakistan.

By the end of the year, Brain had spread through America and most of Europe, hopping from disk to disk, computer to computer. To leap across the ocean ? to reach Roger Thompson in Brisbane, say ? someone had to take an infected floppy onto a plane or ship. This was before the web: It was a lot harder to cross the ocean. And as the virus spread, so did the rumors: Was this some kind of revenge against software pirates? Were the brothers trying to kick off an IT security firm?

The truth is less dramatic. As Amjad describes it to BuzzFeed, he and his brother were just playing around with assembly language: "At the time, there were not multi-tasking OSs or multi-tasking programs, so we found some interesting code that stayed resident in the background of the memory." It was a powerful trick. "For more than a year, we were experimenting, just learning things. It was not planned that we were going to make a virus."

Patient zero was a hospital in the provincial capital of Quetta, 600 miles west of Lahore. In the fall of 1986, the Alvi brothers visited the hospital to install some software they'd developed. On the way, Amjad realized one of his disks was infected with the self-replicating program they'd been experimenting with. He decided to leave it there. "If someone wanted to steal my program, I figured I would know that program was stolen from that specific, isolated medical computer," he says. Having left it on a business computer in rural Pakistan, there was no reason to think the program would spread.

It took two years for Amjad to get his first call. Thanks to the time difference, it came in the middle of the night, from a student reporter at Miami University. She had found his number on a floppy disk.

There had been computer viruses in labs before, most notably Fred Cohen's experiements at USC in the early 1980s, but as long as the programs were confined to a lab, it was impossible to know how quickly or thoroughly they might spread. Simply releasing a program into the wild was impossible, due to ethics concerns, so it took a minor pandemic like Brain to make the IT world take notice. As Thompson puts it, "Nobody actually believed viruses existed until they got one, and then they became a believer right away."

Within a year of Brain's release, John McAfee and Eugene Kaspersky had both set up shop selling virus protection software. Shortly after, F-Secure in Finland, F-Prot in Iceland and Doctor Solomon's Antivirus in England followed suit, along with Thompson's own Leprechaun Software. Suddenly, anyone with a digital infrastructure was aware of the risk posed by viruses, and willing to pay money to protect themselves. A new industry sprang up in the space of a few years.

The Alvi brothers, for the most part, were left out. The western anti-virus businesses had little interest in cornering the Pakistani market, and in the years it took Brain to spread, Basit and Amjad moved on to other interests. Brain Inc. is a telecom company now. In 1998, they installed Pakistan's first high-speed fiber network. Even with the rise of militarized malware like Flame, Mr. Alvi hasn't seen much reason to get back into the anti-virus business. "If there can be a physical assault there can be a cyber assault as well," he told us. "It is not any different in my opinion." And for an honest man, coding viruses isn't much of a business opportunity.

More from BuzzFeed FWD:

Source: http://www.gadgetbox.msnbc.msn.com/technology/gadgetbox/story-worlds-first-free-range-computer-virus-915385

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What Are We Teaching PR College students | Wise Business

How to do brochures, throw parties, speak to reporters and compose press releases? Or, are we teaching them what PR?s basic premise states we will need to be teaching them?

In so a number of phrases, whether or not they go to perform for a organization, non-profit, government agency or association, College students will quickly learn that consumers act on their very own perception of the information in advance of them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which some thing can be carried out. When we compose, modify or reinforce that viewpoint by reaching, persuading and moving-to-wanted-action the extremely many people whose behaviors influence the online business the most, the public relations mission is often carried out.

Which is why, just after public relations College students digest THAT fundamental touchstone, they must be produced conscious that, as long term managers, their core public relations mission will be to pull with each other the sources and action organizing they should certainly modify person perception major to modified behaviors amongst their most vital outdoors audiences.

But that?s not all! Then PR College students must uncover that they will want to persuade people important consumers to his or her way of considering, then move them to consider actions that permit their subsidiary, department, division, group or workplace to be successful.

What we want for our new crop of PR College students is the expertise that the ideal public relations arranging incredibly CAN change personal perception and result in modified behaviors amongst the extremely outdoors audiences who will allow them be successful as managers.

Should really you find out your self explaining the function of public relations, you should request your audience to recall that their PR efforts will demand additional than the use of distinctive occasions, news releases and speak demonstrate strategies whether or not they are to acquire the high-quality public relations effects they deserve.

As to the effects they can assume, inform them how glad they?ll be that they took your recommendation when capital givers or specifying resources start to appear their way; consumers commence to produce repeat purchases; membership applications commence to rise; new proposals for strategic alliances and joint ventures begin displaying up; politicians and legislators start hunting at them as crucial members of the organization, non-profit or association communities; new bounces in demonstrate area visits arise; clients definitely begin to do small business with them; and neighborhood leaders start to look for them out.

Talk about with your audience why it?s SO essential to know how your most essential outdoors audiences perceive your operations, merchandise or providers. Over all, be positive they rather feel that perceptions just about continually end result in behaviors that can allow or harm their operation.

Discuss with them the need to have for monitoring and gathering perceptions by questioning members of their most very important outdoors audiences. Need them request concerns like people: how a lot do you know about our online business? Need to have you had prior make contact with with us and had been you pleased with the interchange? Are you acquainted with our companies or items and staff? Require you seasoned complications with our folks or methods?

They should really find out that the expense of utilizing knowledgeable survey firms to do the view gathering do the job will be a lot additional than working with their PR colleagues who are currently in the perception home business. But whether or not it?s their consumers or a survey firm asking the issues, the goal stays the very same: recognize untruths, false assumptions, unfounded rumors, inaccuracies, misconceptions and any other adverse perception that might possibly translate into hurtful behaviors.

Public relations College students really should know that right here they will need to produce a objective calling for action on the most critical dilemma places they uncovered for the duration of their critical audience perception monitoring. Will that objective be to straighten out a unsafe misconception? Ideal a gross inaccuracy? Or, end a probably unpleasant rumor ahead of it incredibly will get started off?

An equally significant lesson is this. Setting a PR objective demands an equally distinctive method that tells you how to obtain there. Only 3 strategic possibilities are offered to you when it comes to undertaking one thing about perception and view. Alter present perception, compose perception wherever there might possibly be none, or reinforce it. The incorrect tactic select will taste like mushroom gravy on your pumpkin pie, so be positive your new technique fits very well with your new public relations objective. You truly don?t want to choose ?adjust? when the details dictate a technique of reinforcement.

Most College students of public relations currently know the value of very good creating. Explain to them that now is the time that excellent composing comes to the fore. They need to put together a persuasive message that will support move their critical audience to their way of contemplating. It should certainly be a very carefully-written message targeted straight at their important external audience. They need to come up with particularly corrective language that is not simply compelling, persuasive and believable, but clear and factual irrespective of whether they are to shift perception/viewpoint in the direction of their point of view and cause the behaviors they need in thoughts.

This phase quite a few of your College students will learn primarily exciting. They need to now choose the communications techniques most most likely to carry their message to the focus of their target audience. There are numerous on the market. From speeches, facility tours, emails and brochures to consumer briefings, media interviews, newsletters, very own meetings and a number of other individuals. But be certain that the techniques they choose are acknowledged to reach persons simply like their audience members.

A further reality PR College students should really know is that the credibility of any message is fragile, so how they communicate it is also a concern. Which is why they may well want to unveil their corrective message ahead of smaller sized meetings and presentations really than utilizing greater-profile news releases.

As constantly, the desire for a progress report should really lead to them to start a 2nd perception monitoring session with members of their external audience. Luckily, they?ll want to use lots of of the similar inquiries implemented in the benchmark session. But now, they will be on stringent alert for indicators that the awful news perception is staying modified in their course.

Reassure your student audience that, will need to plan momentum slow, they can generally speed items up by including a lot more communications strategies as effectively as rising their frequencies.

College students all over the place require reassurance that they?re on the correct track, and long term home business, non-profit, government and association managers being their initial exposure to PR are no various. What they must know about public relations are 3 realities.

Initial, as outlined Over, they will need to marshall the sources and action arranging essential to change person perception foremost to modified behaviors amongst their most very important outdoors audiences.

2nd, they should certainly allow persuade people critical many people to his or her way of considering.

And 3rd, move them to consider actions that let their department, subsidiary, division, group or workplace to do well.

Source: http://www.secure-file-exchange.com/?p=171

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rain Forces Olympic Tennis Indoors For First Time In 100 Years (PHOTOS)

WIMBLEDON, England -- Olympic tennis became deafening Sunday. Under Wimbledon's roof, the sound of pelting rain nearly drowned out Maria Sharapova's piercing shrieks.

The event moved indoors for the first time since the 1912 Stockholm Games, and Sharapova made her Olympic debut amid a din, beating Shahar Peer of Israel 6-2, 6-0.

"You hear a little bit of it, but it's not a big distraction," Sharapova said. "When you see the schedule and you see your name on Centre Court, you know that your match is going to get done. Knowing what the weather forecast was going to be like today, I was pretty happy."

Other winners under Centre Court's retractable cover were Julia Goerges of Germany, who upset recent Wimbledon runner-up Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland, and British hopeful Andy Murray. Play elsewhere was curtailed because of rain, with 27 matches postponed.

There were no such issues at the 1912 Games, played in a pavilion on wood courts painted black. This time the surface is grass, where Sharapova won her first Grand Slam title in 2004 at age 17.

She completed a career slam last month by winning the French Open, and now hopes to add an Olympic medal. She carried the Russian flag in London's opening ceremony Friday after missing the 2008 Games because of a shoulder injury.

Against Peer, the No. 3-seeded Sharapova served well, returned aggressively and swept the final eight games. She improved to 7-0 against Peer.

The 24th-ranked Goerges also had a successful Olympic debut, hitting 20 aces to beat No. 2-seeded Radwanska 7-5, 6-7 (5), 6-4.

"I didn't really think about it as it's my first time on the Centre Court, and you just go there and enjoy it," Goerges said. "You just play there as you warmed up outside. The courts were different. But that's, for both, the same."

No. 3-seeded Murray returned to the court where he lost this month's Wimbledon final and beat Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland 6-3, 6-3.

"I want to be involved in this event for as long as possible," Murray said. "I'm going to give it my best shot."

Murray also defeated Wawrinka in the first full match under the roof, played at Wimbledon in 2009. Murray lost the Wimbledon final three weeks ago to Roger Federer.

Goerges and Radwanska endured some sloppy moments in the early going before they adjusted to the slow indoor conditions. At one point, rain on the roof fell so heavily it was difficult to hear the ball being struck.

Goerges' serve kept her in the match, and she also moved forward effectively, winning 19 of 24 points at the net.

"I felt pretty great there," Goerges said. "My game is to be aggressive, and I know that doesn't suit her pretty well because she's one who wants to create a little bit of angles to play clever on the court."

She hit a deft drop shot to hold for a 5-4 lead in the final set, then broke serve in the last game, whacking a return winner on the first match point.

That ended medal hopes in singles for Radwanska, who is playing doubles with her sister. Less than four weeks ago, Radwanska became the first Polish player to reach a Grand Slam final since 1939, then lost to Serena Williams.

Postponed were first-round doubles matches involving the 2008 gold medal teams, the Williams sisters and Federer-Wawrinka, and singles matches involving No. 1-seeded Victoria Azarenka and Andy Roddick.

  • Caroline Wozniacki

    Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark looks on as a ball boy struggles to open an umbrella as rain interrupts play during a first round women's singles match against Tamira Paszek of Austria at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon, England, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

  • Donna Marshall, David Thorpe

    Donna Marshall and David Thorpe wait for the rain to stop at the All England Lawn Tennis Club at Wimbledon, in London, at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

  • Fans wait for the rain to stop at the All England Lawn Tennis Club at Wimbledon, in London, at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

  • People run for shelter during a rain storm at the All England Lawn Tennis Club at Wimbledon, in London, at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

  • Mary Jenkins

    Mary Jenkins of Strabane, Northern Ireland, waits out a rain delay at the All England Lawn Tennis Club at Wimbledon, in London, at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

  • FILE - In this July 6, 2012 file photo, spectators shelter under umbrellas as they watch Novak Djokovic of Serbia face Roger Federer of Switzerland in a men's semifinals match as rain delays play on the outer courts at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon, England. Gold, silver, bronze: No matter who wins what at the London Olympics, a million or more visitors will need to get themselves an umbrella. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)

  • Roger Federer

    Roger Federer of Switzerland walks off court as rain delays play during the men's final match against Andy Murray of Britain at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon, England, Sunday, July 8, 2012. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

  • Ground staff pull a cover as rain delays play during the women's final match between Serena Williams of the United States and Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon, England, Saturday, July 7, 2012. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

  • Andy Murray

    Andy Murray of Britain, center, looks at ground staff pulling a rain cover onto Centre Court as rain delays play during a quarterfinals match against David Ferrer of Spain at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon, England, Wednesday, July 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

  • Petra Kvitova

    Petra Kvitova of the Czech Republic waits during a rain delay during a fourth round singles match against Francesca Schiavone of Italy at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon, England, Monday, July 2, 2012. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

  • A worker sweeps water off a tarp covering a tennis court during a rain delay at the All England Lawn Tennis Club at Wimbledon, in London, at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

  • Spectators wait in Number One court as they wait for play to resume between Andy Roddick of the United States and Jamie Baker of Britain after a brief rain shower at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon, England, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Sang Tan)

  • Waiting out the rain...

    A spectator sits under an umbrella as rain delays play between Samantha Stosur of Australia and Arantxa Rus of Netherlands during a second round women's singles match at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon, England, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)

  • A spectator covers her head from the rain with a British flag during the equestrian eventing dressage phase at Greenwich Park, at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Sunday, July 29, 2012, in London. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

  • Marcelo Tosi

    Marcelo Tosi, of Brazil, tips his hat to the applauds of the crowd after competing with his horse Eleda All Black in the rain during the equestrian eventing dressage phase at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Sunday, July 29, 2012, in London. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Niklas Lindback

    A judge calls for a ten minute delay during a rain downpour in the equestrian eventing dressage phase at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Sunday, July 29, 2012, in London. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/29/olympic-tennis-rain-indoors-100-years_n_1716673.html

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Traffic Building to Make Money Online | ExpertsArticles.com

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Source: http://www.expertsarticles.com/traffic-building-to-make-money-online/

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Creative Adventures At Home: School Room Organization

It took me a long time, but I finally got the school room looking the way it should. We moved in six months ago and the school room/family room/dining room was the last one to be finished. Being on the spectrum, C needs a lot of routine, schedule and organization. It was tough homeschooling him with all of stuff being in such disarray.
Welcome to our homeschool world!

This is the bookcase where I keep the curriculum, books that I reference, teaching games, flash cards, software and sentence cards. I keep magazine files at the bottom for each subject to hold smaller items such as items that I want to copy or magazines, thin books, etc... In this bookcase I store the non-fiction books, readers and fiction books. We keep our world map here on the wall for marking as we travel along with Galloping the Globe and next to the bookcase I have hanging file folders to hold my weekly files 1-36 (more on that later). The credenza is next to our little bookcase and I store a lot in here. Science kits, craft supplies, extra school supplies, paper, folders, etc. On top I keep books for our geography study and the globe. I have baskets of books based on our units of study for easy access. Here is my action area and where most of our schooling takes place. Directly across from the desk is a large dining room table where we do our school work. I found the most adorable calendar and trim set from Trend at the local teacher's store. Personally, I don't laminate, but I just have one student and we get tired of the theme after one year. We got our sentence chart from Target for $1. I bought a few of them and use them in quite a few places throughout the house. Over the printer, I have a clipboard hanging where I keep library lists so that I know which books are due when. It has really helped keep down our overdue fines! ;) On top of my desk, I keep a hanging file box where I keep all of my teacher's manual in use. This way, all I have to do is pull out each one as we need it and then I just slip it back in the box after I am done. No more searching for manuals before a lesson! Next to the desk are C's workboxes. We really enjoy using these and I have written previously about how I have set them up. I base my set-up on Sue Patrick's book, Sue Patrick's Workbox User's Manual. Above the workboxes is a 3-drawer box where I keep our school supplies. I will write more about my system and what I put in his drawers as soon as I can. I so enjoy organization! As you can see by this wall, I have more charts :) One is to show our daily schedule. I bought two more sentence charts at Target for $1 each and glued them together. The Dollar Tree had the time schedule cards for $1 and I had them laminated so that I could change times if I needed to. The hanging file organizer works great for holding all of our file folder games. I put the games into C's workbox on certain days. My toughest challenge was to find a place to put the chalkboard. We are really short on wall space. So I got creative and put it on top of the dinosaur of a television that sits in the family room. It works. I just move it over to the dining room table when we need it. Behind the chalkboard, I store our morning basket which holds our books and memory work that we use at our morning meeting. I found the cutest little basket at Target in the $1 bin. I feel like we finally have some peace and that we are "home". C is much more happy with school now that there is routine and organization. Things flow so much better. Now if I could just get those lesson plans done...

Source: http://creativeadventuresathome.blogspot.com/2012/07/school-room-organization.html

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bad Credit Car Loans Rates ? Avail Best Car Finance Deals with ...



July 27, 2012 | Leave a Comment

Usually, car loan APR and low credit reality is less works with each other. Lenders with FICA score below 500 are typically bearing challenging conditions searching for bad credit car loans they might use to loan their car shopping. Most of the time, they often get finance with considerably higher interests. Comparatively high monthly installments, and wind up spending beyond what their automobile indeed costs. Apart from these, there are several essential elements in borrowing that you have to figure out. It is essential to understand these kinds of things before moving into car financing mainly if you have a bad credit score, Consider below essential points:

Higher Car Finance Rates:

Auto loan for bad credit score owners typically be effective the similar method as getting personal loan or any types of financial loans. The lender affirms to pay back amortization some initial repayment within a given period for security. Although, poor credit owners pay for bigger down payments and interest rates. In most situations, the loan companies will generally need form of collateral to secure the finance. Additionally, the whole repayment may be higher than the authentic prices for the automotive.

Considerably higher upfront payment

Those who have poor credit fico score are generally entitle to pay out larger amount for down payments. Compared to those who have good FICO score, they normally pay 10% to 20% upfront payment, bad credit score owners may be necessary to pay up to 50% of the car?s price as initial payment.

Amortization Period:

With the bad credit car finance, the amortization period is short compare to ordinary new car loans. And this would be the best time to improve your credit rating. Don?t forget to pay your amortization amount on time which leads to turn your bad credit score into good.

Few Essential Points to Consider For Availing Best Deals for Bad Credit Car Loan:

Check Out Your Credit Score:

Being aware that you?re FICO score will help you decide what to expect from private lenders. If you are dealing with direct loan companies, you can negotiate with them and plan regarding ways your loan rates could be made more feasible. Moreover, knowing your credit ratings rating will assist you from keeping away from financial institutions and loan offers that include monthly payments which are considerably higher that what you ought to be buying.

Co-Signer for Car Loan:

One helpful recommendation that works for those who have a bad credit score is looking for friends and family with a good credit score to co-sign for those individuals. A co-signor plays the role of a guarantor hence increasing your credit score. You?ll consequently have the situation to obtain the best offer.

Secured Loan:

An additional way to acquire an excellent lending offer is actually pledging your properties as collateral for the lending. It is essential to understand that the properties guarantee could be repossessed by the loan provider in event of fail to pay by you.

Source: http://www.moneyandinvesting.net/2012/07/27/bad-credit-car-loans-rates-%E2%80%93-avail-best-car-finance-deals-with-bad-credit/

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Gillmor Gang Live 07.27.12 (TCTV)

Gillmor Gang test patternGillmor Gang - Robert Scoble, John Taschek, Dan Farber, Kevin Marks, and Steve Gillmor. Recording has concluded for today.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/wvcfv5apyd4/

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Video: The right?s attempt to create intense fear of ?the other?

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Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/vp/48360862#48360862

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Spanish debt rallies as Draghi sparks bond buying hopes

LONDON (Reuters) - Spanish and Italian government bond yields fell sharply on Thursday after European Central Bank President Mario Draghi fueled expectations that the central bank may be ready to take bolder action to combat the three-year old crisis.

Draghi pledged on Thursday to do whatever was necessary to protect the euro zone from collapse, including fighting unreasonably high government borrowing costs.

His comments also knocked the German Bund future sharply lower.

Still, the rally failed to bring 10-year Spanish yields much lower than 7 percent, which is widely seen as an unsustainable level in the long run. The ECB's previous forays into secondary markets had limited impact and could not prevent Greece, Ireland or Portugal from having to ask for financial help.

Unless stronger measures are taken, markets will continue to worry that Spain may eventually need to be bailed out and the euro zone's aid resources will be used up.

"Markets now feel that the most likely scenario is that the ECB will buy bonds in the market," ING rate strategist Alessandro Giansanti said.

"They can produce a relief rally so that Italy and Spain can issue bonds in the market for the next two months. But longer-term you need structural support. To see a decline in spreads you need better data on the economic side in Spain and Italy."

Ten-year Spanish yields were last 40 basis points lower on the day at 6.996 percent, some 565 basis points over their German equivalent. Italian yields fell 39 basis points to 6.05 percent.

Giansanti said the rally will only continue if the ECB would follow through with its warnings.

The timing of Draghi's comments a week before the ECB meeting will probably ensure that selling pressure does not build up either. Also, they come one day after his colleague Ewald Nowotny said giving Europe's permanent rescue fund a banking license to boost its firepower had merits.

"(The comments were) suggesting that the ECB could be a bit closer to a policy response than apparently the market thought before," Rainer Guntermann, strategist at Commerzbank said.

"I doubt the expectation for another rate cut would have triggered this kind of market response," he said. The expectation is for "something bolder than that, SMP-style intervention (bond-buying) or liquidity measures."


German Bunds also fell sharply as Draghi's comments prompted investors to move some cash into riskier assets.

Also, a warning on Germany's credit rating this week was a reminder of its vulnerability to the regional problems that are also beginning to take a toll on its export-led economy.

Steps towards a crisis-resolution are likely to see investors re-evaluate Germany's current yield levels which are near record lows and in the two-year sector is even negative.

German 10-year bonds last yielded 1.32 percent, up 5 basis points on the day.

Sergio Capaldi, strategist at Intesa SanPaolo, said Bunds should continue to benefit from safe-haven flows and 10-year yields could fall as far as 1 percent.

Without safe-haven flows into German debt, 10-year yields would probably stand around 2.2 percent, Capaldi said before Draghi began to speak.

"The Bund and also the Treasury (U.S. note future) are mainly overvalued but of course this is the effect of flight-to-quality in Europe and in the U.S., it's the combination of flight to quality and Fed intervention," Capaldi said.

Bund futures were 69 ticks lower on the day at 144.00. ING says the area between the 50-day moving average at 143.60 and 144.00 could provide support for Bunds on a short-term basis.

(Editing by Hugh Lawson)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/spanish-debt-rallies-draghi-sparks-bond-buying-hopes-155356471--finance.html

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personal trainer - The #1 Problem in Choosing A Fitness Trainer

Copyright (c) 2012 Vidal Marketing

In 2011, approximately 6.5 million Americans used the services of a personal athletic trainer. Unfortunately, most of them wasted their money on trainers without adequate training. By doing this, they may be putting their health at risk, since proper exercise is necessary to maintain good health and fitness. This article discusses the most important things to consider when choosing a personal athletic trainer.

Dr. Anne Larson, the author of a new book called "Certified or CertiFRAUD: Assessing the Professional Competency of Your Personal Trainer" believes that the certification of personal trainers in many cases could be considered fraudulent. She explains in the book what to look out for and how to find a qualified personal trainer.

According to her, the problem has grown because there are now hundreds of organizations that give certificates to personal trainers. Many of these certify personal trainers who merely complete an online seminar or attend a weekend workshop. Such training does not provide the knowledge necessary to really help people who are serious about physical fitness.

'This type of certification isn't even worth the paper it is printed on," says author Dr. Larson. "This is what I refer to as CertiFraud."

According to Larson many studies show that the knowledge of a personal trainer has a direct impact on the results achieved by their clients. Since the training of most certified personal trainers is inadequate, millions of personal trainer clients are being misled and misinformed. They are wasting not only their money but also their valuable time. Many have health conditions and have a great need for a knowledgeable fitness trainer.

All the details on how to choose a qualified personal trainer, and to check out their credentials, are provided in this very important book.

Here are the top 3 things you must do to avoid hiring a trainer without adequate training: Check not only their credentials but also the details of the certifying organization, Go through an extensive interview process before hiring your trainer, and Hire the trainer for a trial period before committing to a long term arrangement.

You will also want to check your trainer's academic credentials, nutritional knowledge, specialized exercise training, insurance, and CPR credentials. You must be comfortable with all of these areas before hiring someone.

You are putting your health and well-being in this person's hands, so take some time to really check things out. You will want to understand the trainer's specific standards and proposed exercise regimen. What is their level of knowledge of exercise science? Have they kept up to date with new research in this area?

For more information on choosing a personal trainer please go to Iron Footprint Fitness or contact Dr. Anne Larson, EdD, at ceo@ironfootprintfitness.com. For more information about growing your business with publicity, press releases and article marketing please go to Free-Publicity.Net or contact The Publicist, Leo J. Vidal at writer@free-publicity.net

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Drilling threat to Scottish rocks

Irresponsible drilling of holes into rocks to extract samples threaten to "annihilate" geological features in Scotland, a public body has warned.

Rock coring is done for research of rocks' chemical make up and investigations into how the earth's magnetic field has changed.

When carried out properly, the visual impact is minimal.

However, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) said there was growing concern about poor practice at sensitive sites.

Writing in Geoscientist Online, SNH geologist Colin MacFadyen said guidance set out in the 1989 Code of Conduct for Rock Coring and also the Scottish Core Code were being ignored.

He said examples of irresponsible drilling included holes drilled into the Sandwick Fish Bed near Stromness, on Orkney.

In the Geological Society's magazine, Mr MacFadyen said: "Worryingly, there are reports from around the world, including one from Scotland, of small scale geological structures not only being defaced, but having been annihilated by coring.

"It is not just geoscientists who are becoming alarmed at the level of irresponsible core sampling, as the cumulative effects of this otherwise efficient sampling method are becoming increasingly apparent to even the most casual observers.

"Irresponsible coring is tarnishing the reputation of geological science as well as damaging exposure, with the general public experiencing defaced outcrop in every setting imaginable - remote beaches and islands, mountain tops, and, lamentably, classic geological sections within statutory protected areas."

Mr MacFadyen's concerns add to previous warnings about the condition of Scotland's geology, fossils and soils.

Last year, tonnes of rock were disturbed at a Jurassic site on Skye in what was described as one of Scotland's most reckless acts of fossil collecting.

SNH said rock was dug away from cliffs near Bearreraig Bay in an apparent organised search for valuable specimens.

Dinosaur footprints were also have been removed from Valtos, also on the island.

Skye is a key dinosaur fossil site in Scotland.

Bearreraig Bay, north of Portree, is within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). A crowbar was suspected to have been used to prise away some of the rock.

The State of Scotland's Soils, a report published last year, suggested planning authorities should better understand the role of soils in storing carbon and do more to protect prime farm land.

The document's contributors included public agencies and scientists.

Soils support agricultural businesses worth ?700m to the Scottish economy, according to the report.

However, it said the use of increasingly heavy farm machinery and how they compact soils posed a potential threat that was not fully understood in Scotland.

Other key threats to the quality of soils identified in the report included the effects of climate change.

Rainfall and temperatures influence the richness of organic matters - such as plants - in soils, the report said.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-19011505#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

1048 A Tale of Two Statues, The NCAA - Baby boomers --A blog for ...

(UNIVERSITY PARK, PA) ? The order came down in darkness, probably by?telephone, which is the way things are done on the campus of The?Pennsylvania State University. Probably a guy came to the door of the head?of the grounds department with a dog-eared piece of scrap paper bearing?only a scrawled phone number. The number might have been 814 238-75XX.? Should one call that number, which is a listed number, he will reach the? home of Rodney Allen ?Irksome? Erickson, president of that hallowed? institution known on these posts as America?s Brain.

And had that call been made as mentioned, the answerer might have said ?put?up a fence, cover the fence in plastic, block off the street and take down the statue of Joe Paterno,? whose family maintains he did no such thing as orchestrate a cover up of little boy rapist Jerry Sandusky?s merry pranks.

Meantime, in Queens, New York, another statue is coming down, maybe. It is?called ?Civic Virtue.? Civic ? forgive the use of the first name ? is an?immense naked man seen standing on the bodies of a covey of naked women.?Its first home in the 1920s was at City Hall in Manhattan. Women hated?it. Women?s groups fought it. Mayor LaGuardia said he didn?t like being?mooned in marble each day as he walked to work.?

They moved the thing to in front of Borough Hall in Kew Gardens, Queens 60,?70 years ago. Civic is still immense and those women must have powerful?backs because they?re still holding him up and he hasn?t yet managed to? trample them flat.

Now, there is a move afoot to move the hideous stone gavone to Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, which is a beautiful and perfectly maintained place of burial where the dead can look out at the water? 600-thousand graves. A dead population larger than all the living today in Milwaukee.

No grave is big enough for Mr. Virtue and his harem. So they?ll leave all?of them above ground.

In contrast, the Paterno statue is a mere seven feet tall. For now,?they?re going to let it collect dust in storage. They have a borough hall?to put it in front of, too. But it?s on one of the tiny pieces of land the?school doesn?t own in the neighborhood and therefore an unlikely eventual?landing spot.?Mr. Paterno is from Brooklyn. Mr. Virtue is moving there. Maybe they can?share the space. What?s a little ugly garishness in a place people only?visit occasionally? (Blog continues below)

Civic Virtue Statue Moons LaGuardia

Joe Paterno Statue: Smaller than Civic


Meantime, the NCAA, which is the 102 year old American version of the inbred nose-in-the-air Eurotrash International Olympic Committee, has wreaked havoc by imposing a $60 million fine, postseason ban for four years and five years of probation.

The biggest smite of all (so far) is the grave robbing of all wins from 1998 to 2011? that?s more than 100 wins that everyone knows were wins.?And while they will be taken out of the stats books or listed as ?vacated,??they won?t just disappear for anyone who cares about such. Paterno is?hereby posthumously dethroned as winningest big time coach. The guys who?played those games don?t have the luxury of not knowing about it.

The biggest smite in the future has three heads:

1. Loss of football-fueled funding for other sports that are not self-supporting.

2. Loss of enormous football dependent revenue for business and the region.

3. Inability to field a team skilled enough to play at big-ten level along?with a completely legal mass exodus of players who now are allowed to?transfer ? not that the team for the upcoming season was anything to write?home about in the first place.

With no way to punish the actual criminals in this case other than?Sandusky, they?ve punished restaurants, hotels, students, the state liquor authority and the guys who have their life savings sunk into houses that are worth less today than they were yesterday.

Here?s a question for the NCAA, a question we used to ask back in the??hood: Who died and made you God?

So, thanks to Jailbird Sandusky, and ? at least for now ? the late coach Paterno, the fired former president Innocence Spanier, the retired former vice president Sgt. Schultz, the on-leave athletic director Curley. Your actions and inactions are what did this.

Spanier says his father regularly beat him as a kid so how could he not have reported a serial rapist of young boys? Only by not knowing about it. Spanier was by all accounts the king of all micromanagers. The report from Freeh, who is Whiplash Willie with white shoes, says Spanier did know; had to have known.

Thanks also to Governor Tom Corbett, stellar public servant and board of trustees member that he is, who when he was attorney general learned what supposedly was going on and launched a mighty investigation consisting of one lone cop, then did nothing.

And a special thanks to the current president Rodney Irksome Erickson for?agreeing not to fight the sanctions. Asked why, he said ?our backs were against the wall.? Well, better your back, Rod, than your hands with that old ?big kid? Sandusky behind you. But what if the Freeh report is wrong or incomplete?

Since Penn State has money to burn, they?re remodeling the shower area where Sandusky ?horsed around,? as he put it, playing games like ?tickle monster? and defiling young boys. They don?t need a remodeler, they need and exorcist.

Money to burn? Maybe not for long. The bond rating agency Moody?s is about to drop Penn State from its near top of the heap status on about one billion dollars in debt, which will raise the cost of borrowing which will raise the cost of everything else they buy or sell.


To today?s students and faculty: Your ?Great University,? so-called, has let you down in pursuit of fame and fortune, and in your name. And while it deserves your anger and scorn and derision, it does not deserve all of your anger and scorn and derision. Save some of that for your predecessors on campus who made football players into football heros and then into football gods, who placed athletics above academics while loudly claiming they were doing the opposite, and who manufactured personality cults where mere personality admiration at most was appropriate. And then they compounded?the felony by knuckling under to some holier-than-thou snoot from Indianapolis who said ?off with their wins? their scholarships and their bowl games.?

The student war chant on game days is a group shout: ?We are? Penn?State.? No you?re not. You?re transients, but as transients you still?will bear the burdens heaped on you by what we used to wrongly call the??permanent university,? which isn?t as permanent as it once seemed.

Near his life?s end, Joe Paterno said ?this is not a football scandal.? He?wasn?t completely right. But he wasn?t completely wrong, either.?This is a scandal of deaf, dumb and blind men or men who chose not to hear, speak or see.

(Note to readers: this is the final full length post on this subject.?Other developments ? and there will be plenty ? will be mentioned ? if? at all ? only in the Shrapnel section.)

I?m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you?re welcome to them.? Please address comments to wesrichards@gmail.com?? WJR 2012*

Source: http://www.highheelshotflashes.com/2012/07/1048-a-tale-of-two-statues-the-ncaa-tornado-and-a-letter-to-students-by-wes-richards/

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Adaptive Computing Strengthens its Management Team with New ...

PROVO, Utah ?? July 24, 2012 ? Adaptive Computing, the largest provider of cloud management and High-Performance Computing? (HPC) workload management software, today announced the appointment of Marty Smuin as Vice President of Worldwide Sales. Marty?s extensive sales and executive management experience will further enable Adaptive?s rapid growth. He will be responsible for all global customer engagements and end user relationships.

Marty Smuin has more than 20 years of management experience in business development, sales and marketing. Most recently, Marty served as the President of Aircom International, Inc. Under his leadership, Aircom International, Inc. consistently exceeded financial projections and substantially grew revenue year over year. Prior to Aircom, Marty worked as the GM for the Americas at Bytemobile, Inc., which was acquired by Citrix. Previously, Marty held senior executive, sales, business development and marketing positions at Openwave Systems, ACCESS, i-drive, USA, Inc., and QVC. Marty has also worked extensively with start-ups, from concept to raising tens of millions of dollars from angel investors, VC?s and private equity firms.

?The addition of Marty?s dynamic sales leadership and deep background in technology sales will ensure our continued strength in the HPC and Private Cloud Computing markets,? commented Rob Clyde, CEO of Adaptive Computing.? ?We are honored to have Marty on board and look forward to further accelerating Adaptive?s growth.?


Connect with Adaptive Computing

About Adaptive Computing

Adaptive Computing is the largest provider of High-Performance Computing? (HPC) workload management software and manages the world?s largest cloud computing environment with Moab, a self-optimizing dynamic cloud management solution and HPC workload management system.?? Moab?, a patented multi-dimensional intelligence engine, delivers policy-based governance, allowing customers to consolidate and virtualize resources, allocate and manage applications, optimize service levels and reduce operational costs.? Adaptive Computing offers a portfolio of Moab cloud management and Moab HPC workload management products and services that accelerate, automate,?and self-optimize IT workloads, resources, and services in large, complex heterogeneous computing environments such as HPC, data centers and cloud.? Our products act as a brain on top of existing and future diverse infrastructure and middleware to enable it to self-optimize and deliver higher ROI to the business with its:

For more information, call (801) 717-3700 or visit www.adaptivecomputing.com.

# # #

Source: http://www.adaptivecomputing.com/adaptive-computing-strengthens-its-management-team-with-new-vice-president-of-worldwide-sales/

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Landmark Family Farmers Lawsuit Grows ? Countryside Organics

Prominent Allies Join Effort to Reinstate Challenge to Monsanto Patents

WASHINGTON, D.C. ? July 17, 2012 ? Eleven prominent law professors and fourteen renowned organic, Biodynamic?, food safety and consumer non-profit organizations have filed separate briefs with the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit arguing farmers have the right to protect themselves from being accused of patent infringement by agricultural giant Monsanto. The brief by the law professors and the brief by the non-profit organizations were filed in support of the seventy-five family farmers, seed businesses, and agricultural organizations representing over 300,000 individuals and 4,500 farms that last year brought a protective legal action seeking a ruling that Monsanto could never sue them for patent infringement if they became contaminated by Monsanto?s genetically modified seed. The case was dismissed by the district court in February and that dismissal is now pending review by the Court of Appeals. The plaintiffs recently filed their opening appeal brief with the appeals court.

?Monsanto continues to claim that Plaintiffs? concerns about being accused of patent infringement after being contaminated by Monsanto?s transgenic seed are unsubstantiated and unjustified,? said attorney Dan Ravicher of the not-for-profit legal services organization Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT), which represents the plaintiffs in the suit against Monsanto known as Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association et al. v Monsanto. ?But now two impeccable groups have joined with plaintiffs in explaining to the Court of Appeals how real and legitimate their concerns really are, especially since Monsanto continues to refuse to simply promise never to sue contaminated farmers for patent infringement.?

The first group filing a brief in support of the OSGATA plaintiffs includes eleven prominent law professors from throughout the United States, including Professor Margo Bagley of the University of Virginia School of Law, Professor Michael Burstein of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Professor Rochelle C. Dreyfuss of the New York University School of Law, Professor Brett Frischmann of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Professor Erika George of University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, Professor Shubha Ghosh of the University of Wisconsin Law School, Professor Megan M. La Belle of the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law, Professor Kali Murray of Marquette University Law School, Professor Ted Sichelman of the University of San Diego School of Law, Katherine J. Strandburg of the New York University School of Law, and Melissa Wasserman of the University of Illinois College of Law.

In their amicus brief, the law professors point out that, ?broad standing to challenge the validity of patents ensures that the courts can effectively play their critical role in screening out invalid patents.? They add, ?In actions challenging the validity of a patent, the alleged injury is not only the risk of an infringement suit, but a present restraint on economic activity due to the presence of a potentially invalid exclusive right.? The law professors went on to note, ?But the validity of issued patents is uncertain until they are tested in court. This uncertainty creates real and present risks for persons wishing to engage in economic activity that might be the subject of an issued patent?.When a person is deterred from undertaking valuable activity by the risk that the activity may encroach on another?s exclusive rights, that person has incurred an actual, concrete and particularized injury.?

?We are grateful for the brilliant and powerful amici briefs submitted to the appeals court by these two stellar groups, supporting our family farmers? quest for justice,? said Maine organic seed farmer Jim Gerritsen, President of lead Plaintiff, Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association. ?An erroneous interpretation of law by a single judge is not going to cause our farmers to abandon our rights to farm the way we choose, to grow good food and good seed for our families and for our customers, free from Monsanto?s trespass and contamination. Denial of the property rights of American farmers is an attack on the property rights of every American. We will fight until family farmers receive justice.?

The second group filing a brief in support of the OSGATA plaintiffs, made up of fourteen non-profit agricultural and consumer organizations, includes the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association, Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, Food and Water Watch, International Organic Inspectors Association, Maine Alternative Agriculture Association, Michigan Land Trustees, Natural Environmental Ecological Management, Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society, Organic Consumers Association, Slow Food USA, Virginia Association for Biological Farming, Virginia Independent Consumers and Farmers Association, and Wisconsin Natural Food Associates.

In their amicus brief, the non-profit agricultural and consumer organizations point out, ?The Plaintiff and Amici organizations, farmers, and seed businesses have suffered significant harm due to the threat of patent infringement suits by Monsanto.? They also noted, ?Defendants have chosen to patent products that, by their very nature, will inevitably end up on the private property of people who have no desire to use them. Plaintiffs? uncontroverted allegations show that, for the first time in history, they can be sued for something as natural as pollen drift, while simultaneously being forced to take expensive and burdensome steps in order to continue their normal businesses. The quandary of this type of liability is precisely the sort of situation that the Declaratory Judgment Act was intended to address.? The amicus brief further explained, ?The Supreme court has stated that the plaintiff ?need not ?bet the farm?? yet in this case, that is precisely what the district court effectively required Plaintiffs to do in order to get their day in court ? continue farming the disputed crops until they are unquestionably liable to Defendants for potentially crippling levels of damage before being able to seek a declaratory judgment as to their rights?The district court noted that ?unlicensed ? and unintented ? use of transgenic seeds is inevitable?? but then failed to address the fact that such unlicensed use is actionable and places Plaintiffs at risk of enforcement actions by Defendants.?

?It?s time to end Monsanto?s scorched-earth campaign of frivolous lawsuits against America?s family farmers,? said Dave Murphy, founder and executive director of Food Democracy Now!, a grassroots community of more than 300,000 farmers and citizens dedicated to reforming food and agriculture. ?Monsanto?s claims against farmers for patent infringement are exceedingly weak, violating Americans? most basic sense of fairness and decency. Our Founding Fathers would be outraged?, stated Murphy.

About OSGATA: The Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association is a not-for-profit agricultural organization made up of organic farmers, seed growers, seed businesses and supporters. OSGATA is committed to developing and protecting organic seed and it?s growers in order to ensure the organic community has access to excellent quality organic seed free of contaminants and adapted to the diverse needs of local organic agriculture. www.osgata.org

Source: http://www.countrysideorganics.com/2012/07/25/landmark-family-farmers-lawsuit-grows/

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Inspiring Quotes for the Cracked Hearted | PersonalDevelopmentA ...

inspirational quotes Getting an individual's heartbroken is usually an expected section of living. Below are a few motivating prices that can help those who're mourning for the decrease in someone they will like.

One particular. Abandon a person's earlier, are living now in addition to lean with regard to the day after tomorrow. -- Mysterious

inspirational quotes This blog on the motivating prices that may seem tough, but it is legitimate. This is in truth by far the most sensible off prices. The item lets you know to go away powering issues that can not be improved any longer, enjoy everything you have recently and check forwards with regard to the day after tomorrow.

A couple of. It's impossible to help you feel substandard with out a person's agreement. -Eleanor Roosevelt

This blog of the very most relevant motivating prices to those who was simply improperly damaged by the individuals who they will considered would need it back. Stand up in addition to wipe a person's rips at a distance. You will have the mobility to steer from a great abusive partnership.

Three or more. Being a increased by can't do without the actual water hence any heart can't like with out risk of discomfort. -Anonymous

Yet another motivating line of which tells us of which inside adoring there is always the potential risk of acquiring injure it doesn't matter how fantastic the bond seems to be initially. You just need to accept that simple fact, and try to become robust if you want to maintain partnership robust.

5. As soon as like is lost, usually do not bows your head inside dismay; instead maintain brain up high in addition to peek in bliss for the is the place a person's damaged heart is deliver to repair. -Anonymous

This motivating line tells us anytime all of our bears all of our damaged we only should thrown all of our trouble to your Our god and have him or her to grant all of us strength to conquer whatever we 're feeling right now.

A few. They of which sow inside rips will acquire inside joy. -- Psalms 126:A few

This bible possibly said hello. Don't worry if you are injure today maybe in discomfort. And also to much time before you decide to eventually turn out to be joyful yet again. Simply maintain heart optimistic.

Half a dozen. This walls most of us develop all-around all of us to prevent your dismay as well keep out the practical benefits. -- Micheal Rohn

This is one of many motivating prices, which usually tells us that people ought not preserve concluding our self from the community inside concern about being hurt yet again. Being hurt will always be section of living. Only a few the people on earth desire to injure all of us, a variety of them desire to like all of us and allow all of us joy. If you decide to keep away every person, how should discover the individuals who could make you joyful?

7. Some people consider securing causes us to be robust; nonetheless frequently it's making proceed. -Herman Hesse

In case you are over a structural partnership that regardless of what amount you are attempting to help fix will never figure out the actual way it must be, it is best to get away from things powering. It might not be the correct time or the right man or woman. Possibly be robust.

6. I never bad. We have merely uncovered Twelve,1000 techniques will not work. -Thomas Thomas edison

In fact if you stop today, how will you are aware of the optimal way someone's? This motivating line merely tells us that people ought to continue to perform due diligence the actual seashore of an individual till the correct occurs.

9. Certainly not look down on everyone except that you are supporting him or her upwards. -Reverend Brian Knutson

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Source: http://personaldevelopmenta-z.blogspot.com/2012/07/inspiring-quotes-for-cracked-hearted.html

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