Saturday, July 27, 2013

johndavies published Wind, 'Abundant free clean green energy'?

?In your dreams


1 - The subsidy and payment system for wind energy is about

to be changed?upwards !!

Junior Kayak Club. 6 evening sessions starting from Thursday 1st August 17.30 ? 20.30. Ages 8 - 16,no previous experience required. ?75 per person. Please call 01752 404567 or enquiries@mount-batten

Terms: standard MBC terms and conditions apply. voucher must be present at point of sale

Contact: 01752 404567

Valid until: Saturday, August 31 2013


The new Energy Bill proposes to replace the ROC system with

what amounts to a guaranteed price called a 'Strike Price'.

Upto 3x higher than the current wholesale price for

electricity, which is around ?47 per MWh.

The proposal is for

?100 per MWh for on land wind,

?125 per MWh for solar

?155 per MWh for offshore wind.


The cost to the consumer will be about ?4.3 billion in


Rising to ?7.6 billion in 2020/21. see-



The prices have been set deliberately high to encourage

investors to build more wind farms, this could lead to the doubling of the

price paid to windfarmers, ('renewables' milked us of ? billions last yr; see

details on this site-




2 - After years of telling us that little or no backup was

required for 'renewables', the latest government wind scam, is that of using dirty

diesel as backup, with all the environmental & pollution implications.

A new industry has now developed, where an entrepreneur buys

large container based Gensets, puts them in a field, connect them to the grid &

picks up a fat cheque, just for being available?. & another if they


It is expected to cost us ?1?billion

a year by 2015, adding 5% to energy bills !!

There are advanced proposals to set up a system offering to pay

up to 12 x the current wholesale price

for electricity from standby generators owned by supermarkets, hospitals, data

centers, in fact anyone who has one.

This extra standby generation is required because of the intermittency

of wind & solar.

Read more here:- ?


Over the last month the average production from wind has

been less than 6 % of its stated capacity.

As I write this, the UKs 5,000 wind turbines are producing a

mere 1 % of demand, (sewage & landfill gas is giving 2x as much).




So much for the 'abundant free clean green energy' we were promised !!


3 - Now is the perfect time to write to the Rt. Hon Michael

Fallon MP, the Energy Minister, about wind energy prices.

Further details + diy letter format here-


Wind turbines-

Do they cost us money -YES

Are the subsidies a scam ? YES

Are they a good investment for the developer ? YES

Do they cut CO2 ? NO

Do they give reliable energy?

- NO

Do they give energy security - NO

Are they fit for purpose - NO

Should we build more ? NO


They are the wrong technology for the job, chosen by

ill-informed politicians, not by engineers.


PS; I'm not a NIMBY?

But, I am proud to be a NIABY

(not in anyone's backyard).


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